The print function parameters
The print() function in Swift has several parameters that you can use to customize its behavior. Here are the most commonly used parameters:
1- separator: This parameter specifies the separator to use between the items you want to print. By default, the separator is a space. For example:print("apple", "banana", "cherry", separator: ", ")
// Output: apple, banana, cherry
2- terminator: This parameter specifies the string to print after all the items have been printed. By default, the terminator is a newline character (\n). For example:
print("Hello, world!", terminator: "!!!")
// Output: Hello, world!!! (without a newline)
3- to: This parameter specifies the output stream to which you want to print. By default, the output is sent to the console. However, you can redirect the output to a file or another stream by passing a FileHandle object or another type that conforms to the TextOutputStream protocol. For example:
let file = FileHandle(forWritingAtPath: "/path/to/file.txt")
print("Hello, file!", to: file)
4- debugPrint: This parameter specifies whether to print the items using the debugPrint() function, which prints the items in a format that is suitable for debugging. By default, this parameter is false. For example:
let x = 10
print(x, debugPrint: true)
// Output: 10\n (with quotes around the value)
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